Scientists Discover a New Black Hole Class! | GameQesh

Friday 1 November 2019

Scientists Discover a New Black Hole Class!

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Black holes are one of the most mysterious things in the universe. With their research, scientists learn new things about these mysterious space spots. One of the latest discoveries made is to completely change the perspective of black holes.

Black holes are one of the most important parts of astrophysicists' efforts to understand the universe. So scientists are trying to count all the black holes in the Milky Way Galaxy. However, as a result of a new research, it was revealed that scientists missed a class of black holes that had no genius.

In a study published in the journal Science, astronomers proposed a new way to investigate black holes. In addition, this study showed that a smaller black hole class might exist than the smallest known black hole in the universe.

Dik In our black hole searches, we showed that there was a different population that we didn't really research, Tod said Todd Thompson, professor of astronomy at Ohio State University and editor-in-chief of the research. Thompson, these black holes opened the doors of a new field of research, he added.

Imagine that a census in a city counts 1.75 meters and longer, and that people who count the census don't even know that there are people shorter than 1.75 meters, Thompson said that the data from this census would be incomplete and would not give accurate results for the population. Todd Thompson, black hole research in a similar situation in this case, he said.

Black holes are caused by the death, collapse and explosion of some stars. Astronomers are also investigating neutron stars. Both can be very interesting information about the elements on Earth and how the stars live and die. However, in order to reveal this information, it is necessary to know where the black holes are. Astronomers also need to know what they're looking at.

Black holes are often found in so-called binary systems. That is, where the two stars are close enough to lock together the attraction of the common orbit around each other. When one of these stars dies, the other can stay and the orbit of the dead star (the black hole or neutron star) once lived.

Scientists researching black holes for years thought that black holes were about 5 to 15 times the mass of the Sun. Neutron stars were no larger than 2.1 times the mass of the Sun. If it was 2.5 times the mass of the Sun, it would collapse into the black hole.

In the summer of 2017, LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) observed that two black holes joined in a galaxy at 1.8 million light-years away. One of these black holes had 31 times the mass of the Sun and the other 25 times the mass of the Sun.

Thompson said of this discovery: herkes All of a sudden everyone was surprised because it was extraordinary. Not only because it showed that LIGO was working, the mass of black holes observed was too large. Black holes of this size are very important, we have never seen them before. ”

Thompson and other astrophysicists had long suspected that black holes could be of different sizes than the known range, and LIGO's discovery proved that larger black holes could exist. But there was no big difference between the largest neutron star and the smallest black holes. Thompson wondered if he could solve this mystery.

Thompson and other scientists have begun to combine data from APOGEE, which collects light spectra from 100,000 stars in the Milky Way. Thompson realized that the spectrum could show whether a star was spinning around another object. Changes in the spectrum could show that a star revolved around an invisible 'friend'.

Thompson began to look for stars that could be spinning in orbit around a black hole showing these changes. APOGEE has narrowed its data to 200 stars. He then gave the data to Tharindu Jayasinghe of Ohio University, who worked on binary systems.

These data found a gigantic red star revolving around a 'thing'. However, according to calculations, this 'thing' was smaller than the known black holes in Samyolu and larger than many known neutron stars. With further calculations and additional data from the Gaia satellite with the Tillinghast Reflector Echelle Spectrograph, they discovered that they found a low-mass black hole. Its mass was 3.3 times the Sun.

Pson What we did here was find a new way to investigate black holes, Thom Thompson said. But we have identified a new class of black holes that astronomers do not know. Bodies; oluşum It gives information about their formation, evolution and nature. ”

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